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Article: Bizcommunity
Water-saving WaterLoo greywater bank launched in Stellenbosch
Yesterday saw the official launch of the innovative, South African-designed WaterLoo greywater bank. Speaking at the event in Stellenbosch, Western Cape Premier Helen Zille focused on the current water crisis in the province.
Although an extreme disaster, she said that she was encouraged by the way in which innovators and entrepreneurs from industry are coming forward to offer products that people want and need right now to help them cope.
She pointed out that this drought will forever change the way that we look at drinking water and foresees this to be the beginning of a new era in how the region will generate, save, recycle, transport and store water in the future. [full article]
Artikel: Media24
Dié blink idee kan duisende liters water bespaar
Duisende liters badwater kan herwin word om die toilet mee te spoel danksy die WaterLoo.
Retief Krige het só gestaan en kyk vir die emmer gryswater in sy badkamer toe die blink idee hom soos ’n weerligstraal getref het.
Hoekom installeer mens nie ’n tweede tenk bo-op jou toilet se bestaande spoeltenk waarin jy maklik jou gryswater uit die stort of bad kan gooi nie? In stede daarvan om te spook met die toiletbak se deksel of om die swaar emmer al die pad tuin toe te piekel.
Gou het dié idee in iets tasbaar ontaard, een waaraan Krige, ’n nywerheidsontwerper en die uitvoerende hoof van sy eie agentskap, self kon werk.
Die konsep agter die WaterLoo is eintlik doodeenvoudig: ’n Tenk van 7,5 liter pas gemaklik bo-op jou toilet se bestaande spoeltenk. ’n Ruim opening laat jou toe om maklik gryswater uit ’n emmer of gieter in die waterbak te stort. Dié water vul die toilet se spoelbak in plaas van skoon, drinkbare munisipale water. [volle artikel]
Article: Eikestad Nuus
Greywater meets its waterloo
Western Cape Premier, Ms. Helen Zille, was the guest of honour and guest speaker at the official launch of the innovative, South African designed Waterloo greywater bank in Stellenbosch recently. [full article]
Article: Huffpost
Zille Battles Twitter Conspiracy Theorists Over Greywater Inventions
Some Twitter users think a new water-saving invention was stolen from a now-deceased UCT student, but the Western Cape premier vehemently disagrees.
Twitter was abuzz on Thursday, as Western Cape premier Helen Zille got embroiled in yet another Twitter war.
Zille started the back-and-forth sparring by posting a tweet congratulating Retief Krige, a local who has invented a system to recycle greywater from the shower to the toilet cistern: a product he calls WaterLoo. Zille tweeted her appreciation at the product’s launch. [full article]
WaterLoo Greywater Bank Response to : Social Media Allegation
We had a media launch function for WaterLoo greywater bank on 7 February 2018. This is a water-saving product that I designed. Subsequent to the launch, comments published in the social media made me aware of a Mr. Nkosinathi Nkomo who, according to the social media content, designed a water-saving product branded AquaRenu.
It is important for me to point out that I had never heard of Mr. Nkomo. I’ve never met him and I did not have any prior knowledge of his product. This was only drawn to my attention after the launch of my, very different, water-saving product.
I wish to point out that WaterLoo greywater bank is an original and distinct product and very unalike what we’ve subsequently learned about AquaRenu. Not only is WaterLoo greywater water bank based on a totally different design, but its functionality and purpose is for a completely different household application. [more…]